Oil Painting Lessons in Northern Virginia (Learn to paint Portraits, Still Life, Landscape and more!)

Study Oil Painting in Northern Virginia 
with Tricia Ratliff
All ages and experience levels

Lessons are taught on an on-going basis.

Beginners learn in a "paint-a-long" style where you can see a step by step demonstration as you complete your painting projects. Advanced learners graduate through a series of increasingly complex projects to develop strong skills for professional work.

Students learn both classical and contemporary methods of drawing and painting in a realistic or expressionist style.

- Drawing
- Oil Painting
- Portrait
- Still Life
- Landscape
- Studio and Plein Air (A La Prima)

For more information: visit the website above and send your contact information. I speak with each student in advance (either on the phone or in person) to understand your individual needs, explain the format and help you figure out if this is the learning environment where you can meet your artistic goals.